
Team Learning Essay

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Team Learning
It is a vital role for each members of a group to fully understand what Team Learning is, particularly in the BSIE-HE students. (Michaelsen, 1992; Michaelsen,, 1994; Michaelsen, Watson, Cragin & Fink, 1982; Michaelsen, Watson & Schraeder, 1985) Realizing that the primary issue this approach addresses is one of Empowerment in the sense that empowerment means, "to give the means, ability, or opportunity to do”.
Team Learning is an adaptation of action-learning originally proposed in the UK by Reg Revans many years ago and recently rediscovered by organizational development consultants in the USA. It focuses on providing solutions to business problems by developing an open approach to questioning. As Reg Revans himself once said, …show more content…

Each members of a learning group can discuss a topic with one another and put in their insights about it. It teaches them how to effectively communicate and collaborate with their fellow students or group …show more content…

The ability to analyze a certain situation means thinking about the subject, purpose, sender, receiver, medium, and context of a passage. Choosing a medium is a team learning ability which involves deciding the most appropriate way to deliver a message, ranging from a face-to-face conversation to the other members of the team. Evaluating passages is the ability of deciding whether the abilities shared by each member of a team are correct, complete, reliable, authoritative, and up-to-date. Following conventions is the strength to communicate using the expected norms for the medium chosen. Listening actively is an communicating ability that requires carefully paying attention, taking down notes, asking questions or inquiries, and being familiar in the ideas being communicated. Reading ability is decoding written words and images in order to understand what their originator is trying to communicate. Speaking involves using spoken words, tone of voice, body language, gestures, facial expressions, and visual aids in order to convey ideas. Turn taking means effectively switching from receiving ideas to providing ideas, back and forth between those - See more at:

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