Teamwork Assignment

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Teamwork is the process of working together with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. Teamwork is the most crucial part of a group assignment, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. When a group's members believe that their contribution and knowledge sharing are positive and meet important individual needs, the central characteristic of group efficiency is being demonstrated. Individual commitment to a group effort is what makes team work. Having worked in many group assignments both as a leader and member, the most important aspect is how effectively the group is managed. I have significantly improved in my managerial skills after understanding the needs of different members …show more content…

As the group also had people from different nationals, I understood different cultures and connected with them. In the beginning, none of us had worked together, each of us came from a different academic background, had expertise in diverse fields and individualistic approach to undertaking projects. Individual commitment to a group effort is what makes team work. At the same time it proves to be an additional bonus for us as we avoid mistakes at work. There existed the cultural and language differences among the team members. Therefore many learning activities were organized as a group but the challenges of language and cultural differences resisted producing the expected results. Students in the group varied due to academic levels and some of them were unable to embrace the other cultures. Language differences also impacted our teamwork due to language handling conflicts. There was a situation where people are competing with each other and trying to excel better than the other. At the same time they are helping and assisting each other in work related as well as personal difficulties and problems. It didn’t deter us, one the contrary we felt that this was an advantage to be utilised when executing the project …show more content…

Motivation, perception and team work are all vital aspects of a functioning group no matter how big or small. Without these contributions, we cannot achieve the goals. Not only did I learn more about how it is to work in groups, but I also learned something about myself. In the end, the experiences I had, both with the group and individually, was worth it. It prepared me not only in college, but in my future career as well. I’ve come to realize on my own from working as group, that anything can be accomplished as long as you work together and stick to the plan. As for my own realization, I now know that if I want to accomplish something, all I need to do is find the motivation within myself to overcome the obstacles that may get in my way of achieving my