Teamoh And The Boston Wood-Pile By Rev. Brown: Article Analysis

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Social equality, race pride, judicial inequality, and the practice of buying votes are all topics highlighted in the Richmond Planet. In April 1895 an argument between two influential African American men played out on a national platform. This argument spurred on the subject of race pride and illustrated the importance of a social divide between the races. The newspaper took on the widespread issue of judicial inequality. It questioned the convictions of many cases involving African Americans and called foul on discrimination under the law. Lastly, the Richmond Planet condemned the illegal practice of buying votes and emphasized the fear of a Democratic Party controlled government.
John Mitchell Jr. the editor of the prominent newspaper the …show more content…

Brown published an article in the Daily Times and Richmond Dispatch attacking Mitchell and Teamoh. Although the author is not clearly identified, it will be assumed that the following source was written by Rev. Brown. The article “Teamoh and the Boston Wood-Pile,” begins by revealing the trouble the men in the Massachusetts Committee came into in Boston. Many Bostonians were furious of the Committee’s treatment of Teamoh during their tour of the South, especially during their stop in Richmond. “But in their trip through the South the Massachusetts legislative committee were mighty glad to shuffle Teamoh off”. While in the South the committee men discarded the Bostonian views of socially equality in favor of the views present in the South. “And when to the surprise of all it was found that Teamoh and Mitchell had imposed their company upon the gentlemen gathered at the Executive Mansion, some of the Massachusetts legislators whispered their regrets to Virginians who were …show more content…

It claims that the cause of colored people was hurt by the actions of Teamoh, “a descendant of the famous old fool darky” who helped Judge Underwood in framing the Constitution of Virginia. “Teamoh and the Boston Wood-Pile,” reveals that social equality is essential to the advancement of African Americans in the South and that Mitchell’s and Teamoh’s intrusion in the Governor’s Mansion damaged their progress. The article refers to Teamoh as an enemy of his race. It also begins to speculate the cause of Teamoh’s behavior. “Whether he received his despicable inspiration from Mitchell or from some of his legislative colleagues, we do not know, but it is odd that the prudent course of conduct that he had pursued in the South altered when he came to Richmond”. This statement is a blatant attack against Mitchell. It is inferring that Mitchell encouraged Teamoh to act improper at the Governor’s Mansion. It is also arguing that Mitchell is advocating for social equality and is a hypocrite and a liar. Overall, this article is offensive and calls Mitchell’s character into