
Technological Advancements Of The Indus Valley Civilization

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Ancient civilizations developed many different forms of advancements in technology and specialization to help them progress throughout time. One ancient civilization is the Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley civilization had many technological advancements. One of the biggest technological advancements for them was having a plumbing system. Their plumbing system consisted of pipes connected to each house. Those pipes carried their wastewater to an underground sewer system. The Holt McDougal World History: Patterns of interaction textbook says, “No other civilization achieved this level of convenience until the 19th and 20th centuries”(Holt McDougal 47). This shows they were very ahead of their time in plumbing compared to other ancient …show more content…

This shows it didn’t matter how rich you where everyone got the same things whether you were a farmer or a priest. One other civilization was Ancient Egypt. One example of a technological advancement in ancient Egypt was they created an accurate calendar. They did this by using the stars to calculate the days. Although this isn’t as accurate as our calendar now but for back then it was a huge advancement. The textbook says, “Priests observed that the same star Sirius appeared above the eastern horizon just before the floods came”(Holt McDougal 40). This shows how they used their calendar and how it was effective for them to keep track of when it was going to flood. Another advancement the Egyptians had in specialization was with farming. The Egyptians created a complex irrigation system to help the water their plants in the time they had to grow them. This helped them grow more crops because it let them water their plants faster. The textbook says, “All fall and winter they watered their crops from a network of irrigation ditches”(Holt McDougal

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