Technological Developments During The Industrial Revolution

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To what extent did the technological developments of the Industrial revolution contribute to economic change in the period The Industrial Revolution sparked a new era of economic growth. It created many doors of opportunities for everyone. The Industrial Revolution introduced to us many important technological developments which forever changed the way goods and products were manufactured. The technological developments contributed to economic changes significantly, many of the developments assisted the growth of the economy, such as the factory system, which revolutionised the way products are manufactured. The factory system was a vital technological development which greatly affected the economy by producing goods more efficiently and at a larger scale. Due to the need of rapid production of goods and products, the need for a way to mass produce items was needed. Thus, the factory system was established. A man by the name of Richard Arkwright is usually credited for the factory system after he invented the water frame in 1769. In [Primary Source A, photograph], you can see a typical factory during the Industrial Revolution. You can see in the image that there is very little to no space, suggesting …show more content…

The new technology such as the steam engine, or the factory system are all linked together and supported each other, the steam engine helped the factories, the factories opened up a new industry, together the technology that was developed were revolutionary, and paved a new standard of modern technology. The contributions were positive, and as a result of that, it resulted to economic growth, which fuelled the start of a new era. Technological advancements had a very powerful effect on the economy, thus it proves that the developments contributed to economic changes to a very high