Technology In American History

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When one hears or sees the word “technology”, she or he may automatically think of computers, tablets or anything electronic. However, technology also refers to any invention that applies scientific knowledge. The advancement of technology in American history goes about 200 years back (PBS n.d.). In 1790, the first US patent was given to a machine that spins cotton. In 1842, an ether-based anesthesia was first used in a surgery. In 1867, barbed wire was created. The telephone was invented in 1876. The first roller coaster was invented in 1884. In 1901, a double-edged safety razor sells thousands. The electric guitar is invented in 1948, and Microsoft is created in 1975. In 1982, an artificial heart is implanted into a patient. Recently, some …show more content…

This is why I asked my brother if he knew his friends’ ages. When I was in elementary school, an implied social rule was that we were only allowed to interact with others in our same grade or at most the grade below and above us. Also, it would be considered strange if boys were playing with girls or vice versa, which is what Anderson, Taylor and Logio mentions (2014:82). Teenagers did not want to be associated with children younger than them because they were afraid they would embarrass them in front of their friends. Teens are hyperaware of their appearance and how their peers judge them. At their age, they are becoming more aware of social norms, will strive to fit into these social norms, and get others to strictly fit into these social norms. Teenagers need to feel like they belong in their society, and will go to great lengths to avoid being isolated for not conforming and from being associated with a peer who is isolated. Sometimes, teenagers do not realize that people who have different personalities and are their own individual can still fit into society. Video games can help these teens realize that others are not criticizing or watching them 24/7. They should not care about what some select classmates think about them, and they need to understand that social norms are not static but are actually dynamic and