How Has Technology Changed America

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Nine-of-ten Americans will use the internet at some point today. This number has doubled since the early 2000s, suggesting substantial growth in how the internet is used in society (Smith). Technology has changed the way that people live their everyday life. Especially in America, many rely on their precious technology to function. Phones, computers, television, and even transportation have now been made in a way to make use as simple as possible. Since people are used to their devices, we complain when something stops working or is difficult for us. All the technological advances seem minor to us because they are just expected now. Today's generations take technology for granted. Today’s transportation is the most advanced of the time and makes travel much easier. However, many people still find things to complain about. Cars have changed tremendously in the last couple years. Many now come with detectors to stop the vehicle if needed even before the driver can react. Nevertheless, people still grumble about the cost of the car or whine when it breaks down and needs repairs. Planes travel hundreds of miles an hour making what used to be month-long treks take less than half a day. …show more content…

Now people can withdraw money within seconds using ATMs and not think twice about it. Credit card machines used to be hard to use and take a long time, but now people can pay with just the swipe of a card. Since the bank system has made it so easy to spend money, there is a been an increase in identity threats in the past few years. In 2014, about 17.6 million U.S. residents were the victim of identity theft (“17.6 Million”). Cards and ATMs are much less secure than the old method of going into the bank and withdrawing money from your account. New technology might help ease of use, but they can also create more issues that would not be a problem without