Technology In Egypt And 5000 B. C. E.

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What is Technology? Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. When you think of technology you normally think about smartphones or computers. But back then it meant something totally different. Technology was constantly changing between 5000 B.C.E. and 600 B.C.E. in Egypt. There were also many continuities.

To begin, one of the biggest things that changed but also remained the same was writing.They would write in walls, stones, or papyrus and record trade, prices, person identification, etc. Writing was believed to come over to Egypt through trade from Mesopotamia. In 700 B.C.E demotic script replaced hieratic script. In 3150 B.C.E hieratic script develops. In 3200 B.C.E hieroglyphics develops in egypt. The Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate which is why Writing was so important. Without it, we wouldn´t know anything about that time period. They also used writing and pictures in the pyramids and tombs of rulers. Egyptian writing was used to mimic sounds and ideas. Today we just use the alphabet to make words. …show more content…

Bronze helped improve tools and weapons. It also came from Mesopotamia. Iron tools enabled Bantu cultivators to clear land and expand the zone of agriculture more effectively. Iron weapons strengthened the Bantu groups against competition. Egypt and Nubia, and Sudanic peoples developed a technology of iron production that eventually spread to most parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The invention of transportation technologies encouraged the development of trade networks that linked the Nile valley to the world. They also made chariots to travel. Today we use cars, trains, etc to get