Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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People don't take advantage of the vast knowledge that is at their disposal, books are a way of knowing the past, the present, and the future. Books are also a piece of artwork that the author creates with his pen. Fahrenheit 451 takes place in the future where books are taken from the people of the world, and are watched carefully, making sure books do not become widespread and instead given technology to replace it. Bradbury, the author, sees technology as set back for the human race and will distract them from the importance of life. Human’s dependence on technology distracted them from spending quality time family. Bradbury displays an example for the reader in Fahrenheit 451 where a character by the name of Mildred gives her opinions …show more content…

As a result the author portrays his message when the main character replies saying “ my wife says books aren't real.” (Pg.112) revealing their lack of knowledge because people not knowing what books are or how to restrain one is restraining them from knowing prior events and knowledge itself. By humans never knowing what books are due to them never seeing one reveals how feeble minded they are thanks to the person who told them or taught them that books weren't important. Bradbury is blaming technology for people cutting corners and taking the easy way out. The story August 2026, Bradbury emphasizes how the family would always meet up for just one meal which in this case was breakfast, “ eight eggs sunnyside up, sixteen slices of bacon” telling the reader that the house is making breakfast for the family. By the house making breakfast, the advancement of technology has separated from the traditional homemade-feeling of the parents making breakfast. With technology expanding at an alarming rate, this makes humans rely more on technology doing everyday things such as picking up the trash or so much as taking care of a