Technology And Socialization

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In addition, technology is destroying us because it makes interactions and socialization changes for the worse. Focusing on small kids, children today are socializing in a different way from their parents’ their childhood is affected by technology, children are less likely to go and play outside their houses like they used to, kids tend to stay at home playing video games, watching cartoons on internet, or even play on their smartphones or tablets (Arnett). Those scenes of kids playing together on playground, bonding with each other are blurred as technology gets more advance. Technology has completely changed the way humans communicate; some important discussions now often take place online instead of face-to-face interaction. A study conducted …show more content…

In agreement with Postman, people nowadays are being slaves to the machine (book media and communications), the more we are addicted to it the more we have to rely on it. Another clear example to illustrate how technology lessens human interaction is how some new forms of education is changing by using technology to play a role of teacher, many places for tutoring both outside and inside schools have changed the way of teaching from teacher as human to teacher in a form that appears on the screen. According to Greenfield, a professor of psychology at UCLA college, “many people are looking at the benefits of digital media in education, and not many are looking at the costs (Wolpert),” by displacing teachers of in-person social interaction with technology by letting students experience the interaction from the screen seems to reduce social …show more content…

However, people are more connected to each other because they are always connecting. It does not mean that technology brings people together, technology actually separates people to have more time with their own world by starring on the screen on computers or smartphones (Parens). This shows that it is people themselves who use technology as a tool to make themselves connected ‘online’. Being connected to the technology all the time creates a gap in society where people are free to do anything at all, be whoever they want to be, and post or share whatever they would like. A lot of people tend to see technology and internet as a sweet taste of freedom that they overlook the point that every technology medium has bias. It gives them more opportunities to explore themselves too much that people use the gap from technology as a channel to hurt others (Bauerlein). Many articles have shown that technology was the starting point of cyberbully and a threat to privacy; bad people use this gap in society to pose threats on the internet to hurt, to humiliate, or to revenge others. As mention before that medium is important that it allows people to upload, to share, to post to everyone who has access with the internet; it also has bias, for