Technology's Impact On The Western Front During World War One

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Technological developments including machine guns, tanks and flamethrowers had a mixed impact on the Western Front during World War 1 (WW1). Machine guns were developed to establish an edge to break through the statemate. The utilisation of Machine guns by the Triple alliance throughout the battle of the Somme which happened during July 18 to November 191916 had a deleterious consequence for the Triple Entente (were mainly British). This technology was important as 20% - 40% casualties contributed during WW1 and resulted in 60,000 casualties. Machine Guns had a crucial impact on the Western Front during WW1 since it forced the British Troops that were getting mowed down fast and skillfully which then developed no man’s land, causing a stalemate …show more content…

In order to progress the German, British and French forces needed to maintain troop safety and to finally break the stalemate, other technologies were created by continually evolving combat techniques. The use of aerial photography by the Triple Entente (French and British primarily) during the Verdun campaign 1916 has a significant effect on the Triple alliance. The technology was important as it was used to gain intelligence and increase the effectiveness of other technologies. The aerial photography had a considerable impact on the Western Front during WW1 as the technology didn’t have the best quality which resulted in soldiers not being able to locate key positions or information that would be needed to be passed to the High Command. Even though it wasn’t always accurate aerial photography was able to replaced aerial observers that had to sketch what they saw by physically drawing it, which would consume alot of time. Another significant technology development during WW1 was telephone/telegraph communication. This was primarily used by the British, specifically the Royal Flying Corps during Western Front WW1. This technology was largely ineffective as the equipment itself was too bulky and had heavy vacuum tubes that three men had to carry together or use a mule to be able to transport it. The technology had a notable impact on the Western Front during WW1 as it was prone to get damaged by enemies as they were also able to cut the cords and intercepted which resulted in the infantry not being able to maintain communication to the artilery. Furthermore this technology did helpmake connections with the commanders which allowed more planning and attacks to be made causing the British to have the upper hand. Additionally, the technological development of gas mask