Teen Birth Control

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According to the Office of National Statistics, in the USA every year nearly 750,000 teens become pregnant, namely 3 out of 10 American girls get pregnant at least once before 20 years old. In addition, 75% of teens do not receive any formal instruction on any forms of contraception. Consequently, teenage pregnancy turns into a serious issue in the modern society. So, the government should provide young population with birth control on demand because it can reduce the amount of unintended pregnancies, as well as provide young women with full information support and give them freedom to choose (Nytimes.com 1).
First of all, government-funded programs open an access to affordable health care. While providing health care may seem quite expensive, sacrifice made by young women comes at a greater price. Clearly, giving teenagers access to birth control is about exactly that control. Thus, Cory Gardner, a representative of the Republican Party, points out the importance of access of healthcare services to everyone at any time without any extra routine using the new campaign ad saying “The pill ought to be available over the counter, round the clock, without a prescription”. When, for example, Colorado offered teenagers and poor women free intrauterine devices and implants which can prevent pregnancy for several years, the birthrate among teenagers in the state fell by 40 percent from 2009 to 2013, while their rate of abortions fell by 42 percent, according to the Colorado