Romeo And Juliet True Love Essay

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In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the protagonists Romeo and Juliet claim to be in love with each other. Romeo and Juliet have barely spent any time together in the entirety of the play. They have not had the time to develop a loving relationship, and they both are far too young to understand what true love is. Romeo and Juliet are not really in love because they are caught up in their adolescent hormones and emotions, they have not spent much time together, and they fell in love with each other for the wrong reasons. Romeo and Juliet are not really in love and are just caught up in their teenage hormones and emotions. Romeo and Juliet are both very young in the play, with Juliet being only 13 years old and Romeo only a few years older. Romeo and Juliet repeatedly say that they love each other, but they don’t even know what love is as they are far too young. It is shown that they are confused about their emotions in the balcony scene, where Juliet says, “Refuse they name; if thou …show more content…

Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet have made decisions without even thinking about it. They fell in love only after meeting each other and from then on they have acted quickly without taking a second to think. An example of this is when Juliet goes to the Friar, and when the Friar offers her the sleeping potion, she immediately says, “Give me, give me! O, tell me not of fear” (454). Instead of taking time to consider what she should do in this situation, she acts impulsively and takes the sleeping potion. This one action causes Romeo and Paris to battle to the death in her tomb, Romeo killing himself, and then her taking her own life after seeing Romeo dead. Romeo and Juliet may seem like they are really in love, but their impulsive and reckless actions tell us that they are not really in