Teenage Pregnancy Case Study

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Teenage Pregnancy is a major reproductive health issue all over the world. Teenage is the age between 13 and 19. UNICEF (2008) defines teenage pregnancy as pregnancy in a teen girl who is within the age of 13 and 19 years and has not reached the legal adulthood to justify having legitimate pregnancy because they are still physically, mentally and financially immature. It is a stage between childhood and adulthood which occurs during the period of puberty and adulthood Susan (2015). This transition from childhood to adulthood is critical in their life span as it exposes them to risky behaviour such as sexual risk, unintended pregnancy, and use of alcohol as well as sexually transmitted infections Susan (2015).
World Population Prospect …show more content…

For example, National Reproductive Health Policy and strategy was established to achieve qualitative reproductive and sexual health for all Nigeria. The goal of the policy is “to create an enabling environment for appropriate action, and provide the necessary impetus and guidance to national and local initiatives in all areas of reproductive health” In the same vein, one of the States within the Federation also established an Adolescent/Youth Friendly Sexual Reproductive Health Unit under the State Ministry of Health in 2002 to bridge the gap by providing a ‘safe and confidential’ centre for young people as well as enable them to access information about reproductive …show more content…

Although, several studies as well as numerous interventions have been carried out to create awareness so as to mitigate this national concern, however, the issue of high fertility among teenagers still persist and remain inadequately answered. The fact that teenagers continue to be pregnant implies that there is the need to examine the underlying factors that may be responsible for such behaviour (Rudd, Osborne, Burt, Beer and James, 2013), hence this present study.
1.2.1 Main objective

This study aspires to examine the socio-demographic, economic and cultural factors responsible for teenage pregnancy in Nigeria.
1.2.2 Specific objectives

The following are the specific objectives:
• To investigate the socio-demographic, economic and cultural factors associated with persistent high fertility levels among teenage girls in Nigeria.
• To determine pregnancy pattern among teenage girls in Nigeria.
• To examine the relationship between socio-demographic, economic, culture and teenage pregnancy.
The hypotheses tested in this study