Teenagers In Divorced Families

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The support they receive from home is rated much lower by children of divorced parents than by children from intact homes, and these negative ratings become more pronounced by the time children are in high school and college. In which, we all know that high school and College were one of the stressful stage of the teenage life (Fagan & Churchill, 2012). Teenagers in divorced families receive less emotional support, financial assistance, and practical help from their parents.
Divorced homes show a decrease in language stimulation, pride, affection, stimulation of academic behavior, encouragement of social maturity, and warmth directed towards the children. The presence of fewer toys and games is common, as is an increase in physical punishment. …show more content…

Mavis Hetherington, Roger Cox, and Martha Cox (1982) in New York, Divorce prompts a decrease in the recurrence and nature of parent-child contact and connections, and it gets to be troublesome for nonresidential parents, 90% of whom are fathers, to keep up close ties with their kids. For instance, children go through fundamentally a larger number of evenings with their mom than their dad. Almost 50% of the children in one study reported not seeing their alien father in the previous year, and the little number that had as of late stayed overnight at the father's living arrangement did as such for an extraordinary visit, not as a major aspect of a normal …show more content…

In contrast with this, a journal written by Paul Amato, “Father-Child Relations, Mother-Child Relations and Offspring Psychological Well-being in Early Adulthood”, says that teenagers who feel emotionally close to their fathers tend to be happier and more satisfied in life, regardless of their feelings towards their mothers. However, children and adolescents who do feel close to the father following a divorce experience better outcomes (Amato, 2012).
Children from divorced families receive less emotional support from their fathers than children from intact families. Divorced fathers are less nurturing, and more likely to drift away from younger children if denied legal custody at the time of the divorce. Nonresident fathers also have considerably less opportunity to influence their children's attitudes and behavior, a reality of which other studies about this topic already