Gender Depression In Adolescents

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It’s not uncommon for young people to experience ‘the blue’ or feel ‘disheartened’ occasionally. The adolescence can be tough, and it’s perfectly normal to feel sad or irritable every now and then. Adolescence is constantly an unsettling time, with the many physical, emotional, cognitive and social changes that accompany this stage of life.
Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can form a strong feeling of rejection and can lead to deep disappointment. When things go wrong at school or at home, teens often overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that conditions "never go their way." They feel "stressed out" and confused. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by inconsistent messages from parents, friends, …show more content…

The gender gap in the depression between adolescent boys and girls is mostly due to young women 's lower levels of positive thinking, need for approval, and self-focusing negative conditions.It 's unknown exactly what causes depression, but a variety of issues may be involved. This …show more content…

From breakups to unreturned affection, there are a plethora of ways in which promising love lives can cause teens to become depressed
• Feelings of helplessness and powerlessness often go hand in hand with the struggle with depression, and can make the existing problem even more severe.

Family history and issues with family or others may also increase your teenager 's risk of depression, such as:
• Having a parent, grandparent or other family with depression, bipolar disorder or alcoholism
• Having a family member who committed