It is an honour to stand before you and have the chance to speak. Today, I want to talk about being a teenager. Being a teenager isn’t really easy. It is hard, harder than you can imagine. It can be confusing and frustrating. It 's the where you have to deal and cope with the most changes in your life. Everything is changing both physically and emotionally and yet you are thrust in to the most intense situations of your young life, discovering heartbreak, anxiety, low self-esteem and peer pressure along the way. We all have our tough times. Everyone goes through something, but being a teenager, that’s when you feel everything at once. As a teenager, will you give up and end this hardship? Or will stand up, keep moving and show the world that you can overcome anything!? As a teenagers, we have a lot of problems, both small and big, that we deal with every day. We can’t help but compare ourselves to the way other teenagers look. It is during this stage of one’s life when a person is most insecure of his/her physical appearance. Sometimes we do not feel satisfied with our body weight or the …show more content…
If I could say one thing to the youth, it would be this: Never Give Up. Keep trying and pushing and struggling, even if you don’t know what your goal is or why you would want to achieve it. Make a point to succeed when a person says you are not capable of doing so because when you succeed you are proving not only to them that you can but to yourself. Respect the person who is doubting you because that will let them know that you are not effected by what they are saying. People will recognize you as someone who won’t give up, and they will get out of your way. Being a teenager isn’t anything, its everything. It isn’t a big deal, it’s a HUGE deal; and while you’re being a teenager, you ought to live it up because this is the one chance, the one time, you’ll be young, and free and careless; because you are only young once. So screw it up because in the end, no one gets out alive