Ten Questions For Fake News Detection

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When an article triggers your emotions, what are you going to do about it? Stop reading? Or continue reading? The most logical answer would be to continue reading because you are intrigued by the information being fed to you. You have to be careful of these articles because they are often unreliable sources or fake news. Fake news has always been around but in today's age fake news spreads faster than a wild fire because of all the social media we have available to us. You have to be able to determine when news can be trusted or can’t be trusted. I will write about the reliability of the New York Times article “Trump Signs Rule to Block Efforts on Aiding Climate” by Coral Davenport and Alissa J. Rubin and I will write about the unreliability …show more content…

This proves to be unreliable based off of the checkology purposes and the short questionnaire, “Ten Questions for Fake News Detection.” The purpose of this article is not to inform but is a propaganda article according to checkology a propaganda article is one that will attract and energize followers. This article is a propaganda because it shows that the nullification of President Obama's Environmental Protection laws will show to be harmful to the environment and it includes horrific stories that ended with deaths and births defects of many Americans around the United States before Obama even signed the Environmental Protection laws. You could also argue that had to the purpose for this article was entertainment because it includes multiple stories past events and then just full of opinions. the purpose behind this article shows no informative information that would lead the reader into making their own opinion and therefore isn't even really news. After reading through this article you should not have emotional based off of the short questionnaire, “Ten Questions for Fake News Detection.” This article has extensive attacks on emotional appeal and includes dying Children and Families. This is one of the things you must be cautious of when you are looking if something is fake news. This article was made for easy sharing and there is a publishing button to popular social media including facebook and twitter which is another red flag in the short questionnaire, “Ten Questions for Fake News Detection.“ This article does not have any citations or hyperlinks to help readers create a better understanding. This is also another red flag in the short questionnaire, “Ten Questions for Fake News Detection." Although this article did not include all of the red flags such as being recent, the majority of the article includes opinions and stories of