Texas Education Observation

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Accreditation Agency: All Klein ISD schools are accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The Texas Education Agency is the state agency that oversees primary and secondary public education. It is headed by the commissioner of education. The mission of TEA is to provide leadership, guidance and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students. The curriculum followed by TEA is periodically updated by the State Board of Education and is known as TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and skills). Textbooks are then written in accordance with the TEKS for the different grade levels. (Source: http://tea.texas.gov/)
Children observed: I observed a Kindergarten classroom of 19 children (10 boys and 9 girls) on 29 April, 2016 for three hours. The teacher to student ratio of this class was in accordance with the state guidelines which requires the teacher state recommended that for 5 year olds, the ratio should not exceed 1:22 and for 6-8 year olds, the teacher to student ratio should not exceed 1:26. The age group …show more content…

Every teacher has a website where parents can find important curriculum information such as daily schedule, teacher’s contact information and updates. Teachers are required to send a “Wednesday Folder” every Wednesday. This folder contains any newsletters or flyers distributed by the district or the school. In addition to this, this folder also consists of graded worksheets from the previous week and a chart that has individual feedback for conduct and performance for every child. The students are required to show these folders to their parents and returned signed folders the next day which earns them two tickets that can be redeemed for Prixes or perks (discussed in part 2). Report cards go home at the end of every 9- week grading period and all year round, parents can keep track of their child’s progress through a parent portal called Parent

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