Texas Government Vs Local Government Essay

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The state of Texas has a total of 254 counties that makes it the largest of any state in the nation. The local government has control over their geographical region. They also can elect officials, enact taxes and do many other things just on a smaller level than the national government. Texas counties is absence of the home-rule that will allow the local government to adopt their own charters, design their organization, and enact the laws within the limits set by the state. Due to the fact the country is the state creation and have no home-rule authority, the structure and the organization of the country are uniform throughout the state of Texas. Since the United State Civil War the state's population and economy have changed dramatically. Even thought these changes have accrued, however, the Constitution …show more content…

The state of Texas has delegated considerable authority to the local levels. Cities fall into two categories, home rule or general law.
The home rule cities are over 5,000 whose citizens have adopted the home rule charters. The legal position of home rule cities is the turn around of the general law cities. Instead of looking to the state constitution to determine what they may do or as general rule cities must do, the home rule cities look to the state constitution and state statutes for what they cannot do. If a proposed home rule city action has not been prohibited or preempted by the state, the city as a rule can proceed. The traditionally, municipalities we organized into three different types of government: major-council, commission, and council-manager. The home-rule in addition have two other legal aspects of city government in Texas they are extraterritorial jurisdiction and annexation. The ETJ gives the cities limited control over unincorporated to their boundaries, that is cities get some control on what kind of development occurs outside of the city limits. The annexation power