Textile Mills Case Study

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1931 - The company was incorporated on 12th December, in Ahmedabad. The company manufactures cotton textiles. Products manufactured are dhoties, sarees, mulls, dorias, crepes, shirtings, coatings, printed lawns & voiles cambrics, twills gaberdine etc..
1962 - The Company entered into an agreement with Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co. Ltd., of Manchester for the know-how and treatment of fabrics for crease resistance, smooth drying, etc., bearing trade marks `Tebilised Double Tested '.
1979 - Ahmedabad Laxmi Cotton Mills, Co., Ltd. was amalgamated with the Company in April. 1981 - The Company signed an agreement with Gaskiya Textile Mills Ltd., Nigeria for providing technical and managerial services for a period of five years. The Nigerian company undertook to set up a composite textile mill having 23,976 spindles and 174 Sulzer looms.
1983 - The Company started providing technical and managerial services to Gaskiya Textile Mills Ltd., Nigeria from May.
1987 - The Company took up a modernisation programme to triple the production of denim cloth and to produce double yarn fabrics for exports.
1988 - The new product groups identified were the Indigo dyed blue denim, high quality two-ply fabrics for exports, and special products such as butta sarees, full voils and dhoties.
- The Company undertook to further expand the capacity to produce denim at the rate of 60,000 metres per day. These new production facilities for this product were formed as an export oriented unit under the