
Texting Isn T The Right Way Of Communication

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Most people believe texting and tweeting isn’t the right way to communicate as it can easily be misunderstood. “Texting is a brilliant way to miscommunicate how you feel and misinterpret what other people mean” (Stanley Behrman). Sometimes texting, tweeting, and so on can have different meaning and can hurt the feeling of loved ones. Everyone on social media communicates using short and abbreviated phrases. Mostly the youth has been affected by this virtual world of tweeting, texting, and so on. The article, “The Flight from Conversation,” by Sherry Turkle is about human are living in social media. Conversations online allow us to connect with friends and family in another part of the word. The article, “I Tweet, Therefore I Am: Life in the …show more content…

We are using short abbreviated words to communicate, which sometime can mess up the meaning of the text. Youth is forgetting the grammar rule and using abbreviated when they are speaking. Texting and staying online all the time have disconnected kids from parents because they hardly do any spoken communication. Most of the parents blame technology for taking their children away from them. When the children text their parents or friends, they are using short messages which doesn’t show their feelings and emotions. Most people in today’s world are now using short text to communicate, such as Lol, no, wtf, and so on. McEnery, a professor of linguistics at Lancaster University, found out from teenager blogs and found out that students are using short words in their blogs: “McEnery found that the top 20 words used by teenagers, including ‘yeah’, ‘no’ and ‘but’, account for about a third of all words used. Others included ‘chenzed’, meaning tired or drunk, ‘spong’, meaning silly, and ‘lol’, the internet shorthand for ‘laugh out loud’ (Griffiths and Gourlay). This is important because as it shows kind of short word everyone using and forgetting the real words and communicating with new language forms by teenagers. These abbreviated words can lead less communication skills. We are so into the technology that we do not know what it’s doing to our brains. The scientists said …show more content…

People are more likely to communicate through technology because they do not want to express their feeling and emotion in face to face conversation rather, they are using a cell phone and other social media to express their feelings. Study that examined the person with loneliness less likely to have interest in face to face interaction, this affects their interpersonal communication (Jin and Park). Interpersonal communication defines a process of interacting with people, we share personal issues and concerns with family. Texting, tweeting, and other form of abbreviation fulfill our interaction far way families. Most of the people interpersonal communication has changed because they are drastically drag by the texting and tweeting. Interpersonal communcation is important as holds variety of skills such as communcation and understand emotions. Communcation most important among everyone as we learn from better in face-to-face

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