
Thank You M Am Langston Hughes Analysis

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Have you ever wanted to steal money or some sort of item from a stranger? Roger in “Thank you M’am” by Langston Hughes did, and it was the best mistake of his life. Roger lived his life a lonely one, with no one at home to help him, for example, pay for shoes so Roger had to resort to different means of getting the things he wanted. Roger was patrolling the streets when he saw a lady he had never met before and attempted at stealing her purse. She wasn’t going to let that happen so she caught him and took him back to her house. She fed him, cleaned him up, and gave him money to pay for the shoes, and left him by himself. I believe that Mrs. Jones changed Roger by being kind, but strict and showing him that she isn’t much different than he is. …show more content…

Jones realized this because she saw how dirty he was and why he was stealing her purse and felt like she needed to help him. On page one of the short story the woman said, “You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong. The least I can do right now is to wash your face. Are you hungry?” This relates to the thesis because in this example she is being strict but kind when she realizes where he is from.
In the middle of the story Roger was still a little unreliable in the sense of running away or not, but he is trying to prove himself to Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones releases Roger and is showing Roger that she trusts him. An example of this is on page 2 it says “Roger, you go to that sink and wash your face,” said the woman, whereupon she turned him loose—at last. Roger looked at the door—looked at the woman—looked at the door—and went to the sink. ” This relates to the thesis because this is an example of Mrs. Jones being kind and showing Roger he can trust

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