Jon Stewart's The Adjustment Bureau

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The Adjustment Bureau begins by spotlighting David Norris’ Senatorial public appearance for the upcoming election. David is seen as a people person and makes numerous appearances promoting his candidacy. One of those appearances was on the Jon Stewart Show. On the show, Stewart mentions how the start of David’s career began with a bar fight, and he was charged with disorderly conduct. Right before Election Day, the New York Post writes an article exposing pictures from David’s college reunion prank. The bar fight and the college reunion prank lead voters to believe that David is not yet ready to be elected. He goes to the men’s restroom to work on his speech alone, but after a few minutes, he hears a sound coming from one of the stalls …show more content…

Some examples are David asking Harry if he is an angel, Harry looking up when referring to the chairman, David’s discussion on free-will, the chairman himself, and running up the stairs in an attempt to reach the chairman. The first example is where David asked Harry if he was an angel. David was attempting to understand what Harry’s role was when keeping him on his plan. Harry receives orders from a higher power known to him as the chairman, but when he was asked about the chairman, Harry looks to the sky and says, “We (humans) know him by many other names.” This thought-provoking sentence implies that the chairman is God, or God-like, and the agents are his angels carrying out his grand plan. In another encounter, David and one of the agents, Thompson, discuss free-will. Thompson explains that one’s free-will must occasionally be disrupted in order to stay on their plan. It is unclear just who the chairman is, but what is clear, is that the chairman is ultimately in control of the agents and each plan for each person. The last example of references to religious or worldview beliefs is the actions of the characters. When David and Elise attempt to reach the chairman, they go up multiple flights of stairs. This is similar to when the people of Babel built a stairway in attempts to get to Heaven and make a name for themselves (Genesis …show more content…

In The Adjustment Bureau, redemption is shown through the Adjustment Bureau. The agents are tasked with keeping people on their plan. When David deviated from his plan, the agents put evil into the lives of David and Elise. They did this by causing Elise to sprain her ankle. Then, the agents saved David and Elise from that evil by diverting them away from each other in order to stay on their plan. The chairman orchestrates every aspect of each person’s plan, so the chairman, like God, represents the masterplan behind everything that happens in a person’s life. One conflict between this movie and a Christian perspective is that the chairman changed his will based on the decisions that David made. Whereas, God is omniscient with our thoughts and decisions, and His will already includes the decisions one makes, making His plan concrete. The movie showed that although there is a sense of Christianity, the focus of the entire movie was the journey to change their outcome of their plan. It wasn’t until the end of the movie when the characters actually came close to meeting the chairman, but the journey for them separately was over, and the new journey together was