The Adnan Syed Guilty Case

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Although a Baltimore, Maryland jury accused Adnan Syed guilty of the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee; The question is did Maryland’s justice system accuse the wrong person of the crime. Adnan Syed was a student at Woodlawn High School. He was a much liked teenager by his peers. He made good grades, played school sports, and was an EMT. Adnan was a typical teenager who drank, smoked pot and kept secrets from his Muslim family heritage. Adnan’s big secret was dating Hae Min Lee who also attended Woodlawn High School. Hae Min Lee was similar in ways like Adnan. She was well known, smart, and from a Korean heritage. Hae’s family beliefs was similar to Adnan’s Muslim heritage. Hae and Adnan came up with various arrangements to call or meet. Their relationship was just like a typical teenager that had strict parents would react. Adnan and Hae broke up because of Adnan’s parents found out about the homecoming dance and showed up; plus she was falling for an older guy that worked with her named Don. Adnan took the break up fairly well from what was being told during serial. Adnan and Hae still talked afterwards and was friends afterwards. Basically it was like they …show more content…

Jay was Adnan’s friend and also drug dealer. He also was a suspect and interrogated by the police. Jay told the police that Adnan planned the murder of Hae. When they was at school that day he was told by Adnan to go get something for his girlfriend because it was her birthday and use his car. Jay said Adnan told him to be back at a specific time to pick him up from the school. When Jay returned to picking Adnan up, that is when he found out he really did kill Hae from what Jay told the police. Jay then proceeded to tell the police Adnan pursued him to go help in digging the grave and getting rid of the evidence. In which I believe he was contradicted himself the whole time during his interrogation when listening to the tape that Sarah

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