The Advantages Of The Bi-Party System

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Although some would think this a negative point as having only two choices is limiting there are some people who agree that being given two options helps voters make a much more better and clear decision.Advantages of Bi-Party system

The two-party system helps people decide whom to vote

Because there are only two parties from which selection has to be done voters would have an simple choice for voting. Making issues clear and simplifying choices would also be easy help the people to determine who has a better prestige and who can lead the country in a better way. Without these two political parties the public would have to go through a passage to find their way.

For example in United states of america Democratic Party and Republican …show more content…

Apart from coming up with the funds of campaign these political parties can provide a system of support and help deploying materials to attract people for supporting their candidates.

In current election in United States of America Donald Trump of Republican Party and Hillary Clinton of Democratic Party were elected by their particular parties for the seat of President. People of America according to their choice chose their President and their party supported them in every possible manner and satisfy people by explaining their motive.

The two-party system makes the government more effective.

These political parties have a link with different branches of the government in all three levels that are federal state and local levels of the government . These organizations allow politicians to form unions and fulfill their plans.

The two-party system is easier to grasp.

With only two parties that having opposing views on main issues falling into one ctype or the other is a not wise. And because parties are consisting on corresponding ideas people will find it easier to associate with one of the two.

The two-party system promotes common