The Alger Myth Analysis

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Author Horatio Alger believes that commercial success can be accomplished by working hard and that people are solely judged by their worth. In Harlon L. Daltons essay he argues about how Alger’s statement is false and a myth. Dalton objects to the Alger myth because he sees it as socially destructive. Dalton says, “Black folk certainly know what it is like to be favored, disfavored, scrutinized, and ignored all on the basis of our race” (261). He is proving that the Alger Myth doesn’t apply to everyone. African Americans can work twice as hard but still not get the credit they deserve due to their skin, historic background, and stereotypes. Dalton also states “there are lots of black folk who subscribe to the Alger myth…and understand it to …show more content…

He makes a compelling argument as to why it is a myth. It is true that all minorities don’t have the opportunities that white people do. They are judged for coming from a different country with different beliefs and values. It’s not fair that minorities are always being victimized by all these harmful stereotypes.
I also disagree with Dalton because I believe that working hard may get you to where you want to be in life. I’ve learned that nothing is free in this country and if you want something you have to earn it. It’s just the matter of trying and not giving up. My father is someone who has gone through hardship and back breaking labor to get where he is now in life. He started off working with my grandpa in the jewelry district. He wasn’t very skilled but soon enough he learned how to set diamonds and as the years passed he became very good at it. Business was blooming and everything was going great until the jewelry district suddenly hit rock bottom and many workers including my dad lost his job. After that my dad entered construction, although he did not like it he stayed working for his family. About 2 years later my dad was offered a stable job doing what he was good at most, diamond setting. He liked it there but he felt like he was working so hard for such a small salary. So my dad quit and got side jobs from other jewelry companies and was working at home making more money than he had ever made in any other job. The downside