Hardships In Lif's Life

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A single mom with two girls sits in the astrodome, deciding what to do after hurricane Katrina. This mom, Bernice Stoutes, would find a more positive life for herself and her girls, despite the hardships. Hardships may seem impossible to get through but if you try hard enough you will find the best path of life. Life can be influenced by hardships in a positive manner through effort. Before he was a famous actor, he was a homeless man living in his car. Chris Pratt was homeless for many years, living off of others leftovers and small donations. He went through many hardships before landing a job as an actor, he lost his job, his licences and and almost his car. Despite his situation continued to dream of a brighter future and work hard. Many years after he landed his acting job, he would quote that his time being homeless, with all the hardships it caused him to endurer, it was the reason behind his strong work ethic. …show more content…

My family seemed to always be on the unjust side of things. In 2014 both of my parents lost their jobs. While my dad regained work quickly my mother did not. Though she was previously only earning minimum wage it was a boost of income our family needed. My brother was in need of double valve transplant shortly after my parents job fiasco, but we were unable to to pay for it. Through being aware of what we spent and managed to save in, my brother received his transplant. Through the hardships we learned valuable skills that would later positively help us in other hardships. Without the hardships we would have been able to have the enjoyable life we have