Advantages Of Having A Child Essay

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Population of the world is increasing every day. Our natural resources are decreasing. If the population continues to increase, world will be unliveable. We do not need high population. We need well-qualified population. Also, being a parent has lots of responsibilities. It is very hard to be a parent. Moreover, raise a good child is harder. Parents’ economic situation, mental situation and their attitudes towards child affects child in many ways. We do not want to children suffer or have psychological problems. We should teach parents how they should raise their children, and after this education give them a license for having a child. Campbell (1992) argues that after some educational program which is about child growth and development, parents wanted to continue and expand this program to other schools within the area. Some people may think that it is not acceptable to be required to get a license to become parents because state does not have an authority on how …show more content…

With this education, parents will be more prepared for having a child. Being a parent is hard, and people should know lots of things before be a parent. They may not know how hard to raise a child. They may understand that they are not ready for having a child during this education program. Thus, this process make people review their decision about having a child. Secondly, they may think that they are ready for having a child, and they want to raise a child although it has very hard responsibilities. However, this parents may have some psychological problems, and it affects child too. Chase-Landsdale and Pittman (2002) states that parents who have mental problems, are not warm and supportive of their children. This makes children unhappy and less self-confident. This program will avoid problem like this. Thus, the family will be confirmed to have a sense of responsibility to the