The Arguments Against Federalism In The United States

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The American Government, as we know it, plays a pivotal role in every Americans life whether we realize it or not, every decision they make and every one that we fight for has the ability to change certain aspects about our daily lives, big or small. With the Government being so much apart of our lives it is important to understand the levels that each one plays, how they came to be and how there are some could areas that could benefit from the private sector that could perform some of these roles with less of a bias and possibly with better efficiency. The Democratic Government is separated into three levels, which are local, state and national levels with each one performing certain task and making decisions that get implemented into …show more content…

Ensuring separation of power is important for avoiding tyranny, this stands true for then and now and even if one group was able to take control over all three branches of government, federalism makes sure that they would all still function independently. Arguments against federalism, then as well as now, is the lack of accountability for failed policies between the national and state government when there is an unclear divide on where power lies. At the conception of federalism the founding fathers created a positive attitude toward the national government in regards to regulations and now, Government regulations are seen as problems and not solutions. With so many changes since its birth the America we see today, in my opinion, is not what I think they had in …show more content…

When some one calls 911, they are calling a center that notifies the appropriate service you need such as fire rescue, police or EMT depending on the emergency. If these jobs were taken over by the private sector then it would be someone doing that job for money and not truly wanting to help the community and who wants someone that “doesn’t really want to be there today” attempting to save their life in an emergency. It comes down to government standards that I am not sure could be extended to the private sector that could create their own rules and standards. Then there are programs like NASA that, in recent years, has been focused on both space exploration and earth sciences but with the 2016 budget the earth science program, which is focused on global warming, would be cut by $264 million with space exploration receiving an increase of $195 billion for a planned trip to mars and Jupiter in the next 10 years. (Foust , "House Budget Cuts NASA Earth Science Program-") If a private company was able to take over the earth science program and use technology that was