The Assassination Of King Duncan's Guilt In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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While Macbeth suffers from guilt and can hardly keep him together after murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth keeps her composure and takes charge. She is responsible for planning the assassination of the King. After King Duncan had been murdered Macbeth returns to Lady Macbeth, bloody daggers in hand. Filled with remorse, Macbeth is consoled by his wife, but once she notices the daggers she angrily commands Macbeth to “Give me the daggers” (2.2.51) and takes control of the situation. Macbeth refuses to go back into the room to plant the daggers on the servants and Lady Macbeth insults him by saying, “The sleeping and the dead are but as pictures” (2.2.51-2). Lady Macbeth must go and plant the blades on the servants herself.
Filled with guilt, Macbeth