The Australian Border Force Act (2012)

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Australian Border Force Act defines an “entrusted person” as anyone working directly or indirectly for the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, this is inclusive of doctors and nurses, teachers, psychologists, counsellors, security staff, patience workers or anyone who has signed a government contract (, 2015). In Australia these same professionals are legally obligated to alert authorities if they witness or believe a child is in danger of being abused (Child Family Community Australia, 2015), as of July 1 2015, the workers are continuously faced with ethical dilemmas as they have a ultimatum; not report child abuse or face jail time. Outline the nature and policy relevance of policy topic: The Australian Border …show more content…

The treatment of workers and children in Narau do not reflect any kind of welfare, they live in torturous conditions. There are 186 children detained on Nauru, and before The Australian Border Force Act was introduced, it was reported that there was extreme levels of physical, emotional, physiological and development distress. Many children were separated from their families, referred to by boat number rather than their name, they were harassed, bullied and suffered abuse and sexual abuse by the workers and other detainees. There were extreme shortages of basic needs, water and inadequate accommodation (, 2015). Article 27 Convention Rights of a Child states: States Parties recognise the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development (, 2015). Not only is the Government not adhering to Article 27, the Government have now implemented The Australian Border Force Act which has made it impossible for the workers to report the abuse the children are suffering on Nauru, this is not welfare. This has made it possible for the Government to cover the facts and persuade the people of Australian to believe the new information, and take away the children’s’ …show more content…

The magic of symbols is that their meaning of something depends on how people interpret, use it or respond to it (Stone, 2012). The Government can use narrative stories in this particular instance and play the hero in their story as they place themselves on a pedestal for ‘saving the asylum-seekers from harm’, although the mistreatment of the asylum-seekers in the immigration centres are not much better than the country they were fleeing (Silove, Austin & Steel,