
The Beatles Research Essay

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The Beatles were a musical group that were not only known by most who grew up in the 1960’s, but are even known by worldwide audiences to date, who are still intrigued by their incredible and mysteriously creative musical styling’s. From dozens of number one hits, to setting the music world a blaze with the way “They took characteristics of the music they loved and grew up on, and blended them into a style of rock and roll that it would change music forever” the Beatles were quite the musical group of their time (Canale 1). People may have thought that the Beatles had it easy because they were very wealthy musicians, but in all reality, these celebrities had it extremely rough, constantly having to be cautious of the things they said or did …show more content…

This caused lots of people to turn on them. There were city wide burnings of anything and everything that had to with the Beatles. John Lennon said “I’m sorry I opened my mouth. I’m not anti-God, anti-Christ, or anti-religion. I wasn’t knocking it or putting it down. I’m not saying that we’re better than Jesus…I just said what I said and it was wrong.” (Anderson 3). His apology was not very helpful though because the people who looked up to Jesus lost lots of respect for them because they felt like they could not idolize a band who says such things to put down someone they looked up to. During all of this, the Beatles were scheduled to go on tour, but the tour was canceled due to all of the rioting fans and to top it all off, dozens of radio station banned playing their music on their stations. After apologizing to the viewing public, the band still received hate mail and death threats. Even though they were at risk with all of these threats, they played a show at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. This would be there last stop on their tour, for it started to become too dangerous for the band to proceed in being carried on due to the risk from all of these threats that were put on them. They would never tour

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