Argumentative Essay About Space Exploration

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Humans have been dreaming about space travel since antiquity. The Chinese used rockets for ceremonies and military purposes centuries ago, but only in the final years of the 20th century were rockets manufactured that were powerful enough to outstand the force of gravity to reach orbital velocities that could open space to human exploration. A lot of scientists have devoted their lives to revealing the secrets of space and finding the answers to questions related with human existence, space expeditions, the existence of other civilizations, and the structure of the universe. Fortunately enough, due to the developments of such sciences as physics, chemistry, astrology, mathematics and so on, scientists and engineers worked together and managed …show more content…

Space exploration has generated new markets and technologies that have spurred our economy and changed our lives in many ways. Many outstanding professionals in the general community keenly educate on the benefits and achievements of space research and exploration to inspire our dreams, imaginations, and aspirations to explore the unsolved mysteries of our universe. Harris (2008) stresses the importance of how space programs advance medical technology, making special emphasis on conducting medical research form Earth’s orbit. The International Space Station (ISS), which orbits the earth, houses a facility for conducting microgravity research and experiments that are not possible to be completed on Earth. Harris (2008) asserts that microgravity research is proving promising for the improvement of advanced treatments for Diabetes, Parkinson, Alzheimer’s diseases, Pancreatic cancer, Cystic fibrosis, and Hemophilia. Harris (2008) sums up the importance of space exploration to medical research saying, “While the benefits of space exploration extend beyond the medical arena, the breakthroughs in medicine and healthcare cannot go unnoticed or undervalued. Imagine what the next 50 years of innovation and pioneering discovery can bring, particularly onboard the ISS. This robust commitment assures that our country will continue its decades-long bond between our nation's space program and …show more content…

Humanity’s interest in the heavens and the solar systems has been universal and enduring. Humans are obsessed to explore the unknown, uncover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical parameters, and then push further. The intangible wish to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided welfares to our societies for centuries. Human space exploration helps us in addressing fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history of the solar system. Astronomers have identified and cataloged numerous asteroids in close proximity to the earth’s orbit that have the potential of causing a catastrophe to our planet. William Burrows an American scientist, author, and journalist certifies that “ Since they [astronomers] do not doubt that several [asteroids] are headed in our direction, advanced knowledge could make it possible to destroy or deflect an approaching asteroid or comet.” (Burrows, 2003). With an objective of avoiding an impending doom, the NEO (Near Earth Objects) program coordinates NASA-sponsored efforts with the astronomical community in their goal of detecting and tracking these asteroids, in which some have been identified as PHA’s (Potentially hazardous Asteroids). Let us not forget that in 1908, an asteroid was reported to have