The Bible Among The Myths Analysis

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In The Bible Among the Myths; James Barr and Brevard Childs, two biblical scholars; are credited for interpreting the Bible, in the twentieth century; as a complete document; giving its name: “ Canonical criticism” this approach would give us the Old Testament message and exposes the reader to theological view. The scholars are to study the Bible, in its whole form; with the understanding, the Bible has complete governing over its community. Therefore, the two scholars where more concerned with the message of the sacred writings, not with how did the message arrived. However they are not rejecting the Bible and it’s entirely. Canonical criticism seeks to study the finishing. For, the Bible, since it has authority over ones community. …show more content…

(1) The biblical findings can speak for its self; because God created time and space; therefore, God is sovereign over human history. (2).The sacred writings of Israel are historical books written from a religious viewpoint. (3) The recording of salvation history is reveal through supernatural divine revelations. Therefore, I come to understand and accept; God is a loving
God, who makes covenants with his people: theological view; God keeps his covenants with the people of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, only to reveal His purpose and His plan.
Furthermore, God's Word is a narrative of his relationship with all humankind. Therefore, it is fair to say if biblical history is not true, than the theology is mere speculation.

To compare the One True God, to the gods of other nations; whom very much base their religious beliefs on myths; they look to many gods; a god for every matter. The ancient
Near Eastern religions proven to be grounded in the falsehood of a multiplicity myths.
Therefore, showing many of the worldview religions entwining with prescientific properties (5). For, e.g. Egyptians practicing of divinations, astrology, and