The Blacklivesmatter Movement In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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In “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, several innocent citizens were killed or harmed in some way for unjustified reasons. This is highly similar to the homicides that led to rise of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. Throughout the past ten years social media has rocketed with hashtags and live protests in order to promote the current social-issues that have been overlooked. Thus creating the different movements to bring awareness to the situations and hope that the citizens will work to change and or stop these homicides from happening. In the writing of Arthur Miller he chose to place the focus of the book around the witch trials that took place in Salem in the 1400’s. While people were being falsely accused of witchery without definite facts …show more content…

This teenager was walking along the sidewalk to his home when George Zimmerman, a member of the community watch, called the police and reported a suspicious black boy was roaming the streets. During this time period there had been several robberies in the area. So, instead of waiting for backup from the police, Zimmerman approached Martin on his own and questioned him. There was soon an altercation between the two and Zimmerman eventually shot the teenager. When the police arrived on the scene, Trayvon was already dead. When Zimmerman was tried, he claimed he killed the young man for self defense, which started many protests and later in mid 2013. He was retried and then charged for murder. This case connects to the witch trials when the group of girls continuously blamed innocent citizens of witchcraft and they were hung. A large amount of citizens were tortured and killed for things they did not do and were not given the fair opportunity to prove their …show more content…

Officer Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold because he resisted arrest when they accused him of illegally selling cigarettes. This case was announced a homicide because Garner died an hour later in the hospital and placing citizens in a chokehold is prohibited for the NYPD. Though, the police officer was not indicted and they paid the Garner family $5.9mil to compensate them for their loss. This situation relates to the entire crucible and everything that took place throughout the story. In Salem; dancing, horseplay, and actions of that nature were prohibited, yet the group of young girls participated in all of those actions. When Reverend Parris caught the girls, he explained what he saw and everyone automatically said it was witchcraft. The plot of the story is what took place when trying to figure out who was truly a witch. Instead of serving consequences to the participating girls, or atleast placing the focus on them, the court system and society placed their focus on the accused witches. Which is exactly what happened in the Garner case, everyone focused on what he did to be tortured instead of focusing on the one who tortured him and disobeyed the