
The Bluest Eye Research Paper

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Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye is a tragic story about a young black girl growing up in Lorain, Ohio after the Great Depression. Morrison wrote this novel to portray that the racy themes in the book such as incest, prostitution, child molestation, domestic violence, substance abuse, and racism can not only be experienced by adults but by children as well. So to create a piece of literature that shows what that is like, helps society to better understand what exactly it is that, not just a child, but an African American child, would have gone through during that time. So, in The Bluest Eye Claudia MacTeer, nine years old and her sister Frieda who is 10 years old, live with both their parents in an old house. They are a very poor family but …show more content…

We can learn from this that when these things happen to a child, it follows them for the rest of their lives, and sometimes they keep it to themselves and no one ever know about what they have gone through. Keeping those things bottled up isn’t good for anyone and it’s a real issue. In this case, Celie had an excellent support group whom she confided in but like I previously said that is not always the case. So if the reader learns anything from this book, its one simple thing that’s extremely clear, life is never fair. Celie had it tough from the very beginning of her life, she has always been the victim. When she was a little girl she was raped, when she had children of her own they were taken away from her, and if that isn’t enough she was forced to marry a man solely for the purpose of being a servant, not a loving wife. Also keep in mind that while she was being sexually abused by her father, he told her that she could not tell anyone about him doing those things to her, and that she could only tell God. This ties back into how people are forced to keep these things to themselves out of fear of being hurt even more. At the very beginning Celie was passive and despite other women telling her that she should take charge, stand up for herself and fight, she chose surviving instead of fighting. Celie had been abused physically by her husband, Mr.__ for a numerous amount of years. Celie doesn’t find the courage within herself to get out of that situation until she realizes that her relationship with Nettie is dwindling and they are growing further and further apart. The reader can tell in the book that the emotional abuse Ceile is going through isn’t just affecting her but it’s also affecting Nettie in a significant way. And that was the breaking point for her, their

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