The Bonfire: The Commodity As Spectacle

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To celebrate highlander pride, the University of California Riverside hosts an annual Homecoming week. Homecoming weekend took place November 13-18, 2017; through the entire week several events were hosted, all leading up to Bonfire. The UCR Bonfire was held on November 17,2017 and it took place on lot 19 from 6pm-10pm. The Associated Student Program Board hosted the event. The Bonfire allowed students to enjoy a night of live DJ performances, food, rides,fireworks,school spirit, and of course, burning the opposing team’s mascot in the bonfire. When trying to relate it back to the readings, I found it quite challenging, but if we look at it through the form of originality, it relates to our readings and how we see it through “ The Commodity as Spectacle.”I believe a person is never original and authentic because their style and form of individuality adjusts depending where they are, who they are with, and the role media plays in promoting. …show more content…

In the article written by Kellner and Hammer they say,”Individuals who identify with subcultures, like punk or hip-hop, look and act differently from those in the mainstream, and create oppositional identities, defining themselves against standard models.” The individual dress for the occasion. It can be seen as dress to impress. For example, you wouldn't see some dress in formal attire while going to a country music festival or see someone dress in shorts and flip flops when attending