The Bostonians Chapter Summaries Essay

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Today, I will be reporting on a very promising novel. I will be reporting on a novel called, “The Bostonians” by Henry James. The critically acclaimed novel is a shocking 396-page book. This book was first published 1886 by Macmillan and Co, and later published in the year 2000 by Penguin Classics. This fiction novel was just one of many books that this estranged writer, Henry James, has wrote. Henry James’ novel, The Bostonians, was first published in a literary magazine called, The Century magazine, in the years 1885 to 1886. This magazine was later published into a book in 1886. This year will mark the commencement of the author, Henry James, vocation in life. In this point of Henry James life, he vowed to himself, to never return to New York City because of the developing accentuation on corporate cupidity. Henry James’ loss of the past years leads to the subject of his of his new story, The Bostonians, through his own made character, which he named Basil Ransom. The Bostonians was not generally enjoyed and welcomed by people because of its so called, “unflattering depiction “of the Boston reformers. After this, Henry James concentrated on making world renowned plays, which he was …show more content…

The southern lawyer gets stuck in a confusing love triangle consisting of his enlightened Bostonian cousin, and an emerging star in the woman’s rights movement. This all takes place in the year 1875 in the City of Boston, Massachusetts. The young, southern lawyer, named Basil Ransom from the state of Mississippi, receives an invitation from his open- minded cousin named Olive Chancellor. Ransom receives an invitation to visit Chancellor in Boston. Basil Ransom, not seeing Olive Chancellor in so many years, does not realize how much she changed. Ransom doesn’t know that his cousin Chancellor has become a