The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Research Paper

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“And then, as Bruno got even closer, he saw that the thing was neither a dot nor a speck nor a blob nor a figure, but a person.” In the book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne, the protagonist, Bruno, has to move to a place called Out-With for his father’s suspicious job. Out-With affected Bruno and Gretel in similar and different ways. Gretel doesn’t want to be at Out-With but she still doesn’t want to leave. She proves that she very much dislikes Out-With when she was talking to her brother Bruno, “Gretel looked at her little brother and found herself agreeing with him for once.”(24) She normally doesn’t ever talk to Bruno or acknowledges what he has to say about anything. Out-WIth was so bad and deserted that she actually had