The Bridge Epilogue

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Wandering through the graveyard it felt like something was watching me. Tom, eddie and I were best friends. I felt like something or someone was lurking through the graveyard. Just swiftly making its way through. We heard quick gusts of wind run through the bushes. It was a very cold windy night so I bundled up in my coat and started walking vigorously.
“Where are you going.” Eddie asked.
“I'm going home, this place gives me the creeps.” I replied.
“C'mon you sissy.” Tom belted.
“You're never gonna have fun if you're just gonna be a scaredy cat your whole life.” Said Tom.
“Alright whatever, but if we get attacked i'm blaming it on you.” I said.
“Stop blabbering and get over here.” Tom said. I decided to take what Tom said to heart. Maybe I am too afraid sometimes but this, this was different. I really had some instinct telling me that I should leave but I didnt. We trudged along the frigid graveyard for about 30 minutes. The reason we're here is for some stupid geocaching thing that Tom and Eddie …show more content…

I still have the creeps but I'm more angry than frightened at this point. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a white light. I slowly turn my shoulder and see a tall man towering over me. He looked like a businessman. He wore a red tie with a blood stained white shirt. He looked normal until I looked at his face It was like a sock had been pulled over his head. His head was all white and his face appeared to be popping out just barely. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen. I was to shocked to run or open my mouth to speak. I just looked him in what seemed to be his eye for a few seconds. Then I saw 4 huge tentacles rip out of his back. That's when I began to run. I sprinted as fast as I could but It was too late. I felt myself being slung backwards. I was wrapped up in his tentacles. I tried to break free but i couldn't. I felt a hard hit to my head and then everything went dark. The whole world seemed to close in all at