The Cask Of Amontillado Research Paper

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Edgar Allan Poe is well known for his stories about mystery and horror. He often utilized articles in the newspaper to give him inspirations for his dark stories. “The Cask of Amontillado” is a great example of how he used real life events to make his stories. In “The Story Behind the Cask of Amontillado” you see how Poe gets his ideas for the general story, but also how he adds his own creative twist to it.

To begin, “The Cask of Amontillado” is about Montresor, who wanted revenge on a man named Fortunato. Knowing that Fortunato had a passion for wine, Montresor gave him a large amount of wine and made him drunk and told him that he had a rare wine named Amontillado at his home. Even though he was sick, Fortunado wanted to taste the wine and so he went to Montresor’s home. There, Montresor takes Fortunato down into the catacombs of his home. After walking far in, he shackled Fortunato inside a damp room and threw in a torch before completely sealing the room with bones. Being drunk, Fortunato died there without even fighting it. …show more content…

What actually occurred was a very likeable man, named Lieutenant Massie, was killed by Capitan Green, a cold man that most soldiers disliked. Angered that he killed their great friend, the officers gave him wine until he was intoxicated and then took him to an old dungeon, where they shackled him. Capitan Green begged for them to have mercy on him, but they didn’t feel pity and they closed off the door and let him