The Cause Of Puritan Migration

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With the good fortune that was brought on by the colonization of America problems such as spiritual decline was on the rise. By the late 1600’s, New England ministers were criticizing problems that included public drunkenness to excessively high prices and wages. It was predicted that if the Puritans did not change their ways ruin and destruction would befall all (Oakes et al. 2017, 108). These behaviors were starkly juxtaposed to the beliefs of fate of Puritans that Robert C. Winthrop had previously purposed. Winthrop believed, unlike the many other religious who had made the same trek , the Puritans would be rooted in God’s law, making them the model society. If they were to follow biblical law, then they would be protected from the undue hardships that the New World had to offer. Winthrop enumerated several reasons why the Puritan migration was necessary, one being that, …show more content…

These convictions of Winthrop were held so strong that failure as the model colony was not an