The Characteristics Of Aristotle's Ideal State

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If Plato had portrayed an Ideal State in hid republic which could be built in heaven only, Aristotle came down to earth while drawing the outline of his ideal state. Like a true scientist he does not attempt any impossible scheme in formulating his theory if Ideal State. His ideal state is attainable on his earth. We must first consider not only what is ideal but also what is the best attainable in actual practice. The only difference between a monarchy and an aristocracy is that in the first case virtue is centered in one person. But since the ideal conditions do not exist for an ideal state, one should think of the best attainable only. For example: extreme wealth makes one arrogant and incapable of buying and extreme poverty makes one slavish and incapable of commanding. According to Aristotle that the state ids the best where the middle class is strong. Aristotle calls such a state by the name of polity. It is the state where the citizens at large administer for the common interest. Though constructing his state ideally Aristotle does not ignore reality and practicability of his state. He believes that for the state as well as for the individuals, the best life lies in the pursuit of virtue rather than of power and wealth. The plan suggested for his ideal or best state based on the principle of golden mean, depends upon the following materials: i. Population: The first material is population. The population of the state should be large enough to be self-sufficient and