The College Essay Is Dead And Alarmed By AI Chatbots

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In today’s schooling world, the future of technology has caught up to everyone including the students, teachers and staff, but will this affect the way we learn or teach a certain class? Given two great texts “The College Essay is Dead” and “Alarmed by AI Chatbots”, we learn some similarities and differences of how students have been using these Chatbots to their advantage which is smart in their view to get a perfect grade, but for professors it’s a learning curve that students aren’t gaining the knowledge they need for the real world.
The use of chatbots are associated with students' anxiety regarding achievements of grades opposed to acquiring working knowledge of their subject. Will AI Chatbot be a learning curve in the schooling system or will it become a conventional key in class? Two writers address the issues and positivity about …show more content…

Both authors give perfect examples at the beginning of their article to give sometype of idea to the reader of why a student is using A.I Chatbot and why a professor has to find a way to teach students around the cheating system. All students want one thing in school which is to have perfect grades in school and all professors have one goal which is to better their students and prepare them for life. So the solution for students is to use a system that gives them an A paper yet isn’t cheating in their mind yet is using their materials, and for teachers it is to try to keep them away from the technology in class and make them do the assignments during class time. Unfortunately this system won’t work for every school in the country, making the A.I Chatbots have the upper hand in the system, having to eventually change this source to a key part of learning in the