The Use Of Technology In M. T Anderson's Feed

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Advancements in technology have been happening since to beginning of time, but is the technology of today truly beneficial? Feed, is a dystopian novel that follows the lives of teens Violet and Titus as they discover more about each other, themselves and their world. The characters all have a small chip inserted in their brains that allows them to access unlimited amounts of information. In the novel by M.T Anderson, he argues that the decreased social and mental skills of our generations are because of the use of technology in our society. The technology of today is preventing us from having genuine conversations with the people around us. In the novel, Titus’s father proved to be one of the least experienced in face-to-face conversations. …show more content…

In his article, Zorzini talks about products that he deems useless in society today, like a fridge with WiFi or a 3D printer capable of printing a car. These useless products, and others are causing a huge impact on our basic skills. “it is dumbing our society down. We’re removing the necessity of skills such as face-to-face communications, doing basic math without the help of a calculator, and writing in proper English. Texting alone has made a huge impact on the grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills of people of all ages, including those over 25. Teachers see it, professors see it, and employers are seeing it now too. These technologies at our disposal are here to make our lives easier, and teach us things we didn’t already know, or forgot. Instead of using them to teach us, we use them to correct us, move on, and forget. If spell check says you spelled a word wrong, make note of it, correct it, move on, and remember” (Zorzini). This new technology has the possibility of helping us, but instead we use it for silly things that won’t matter 10 years from now. Anderson expresses a similar idea in Feed. The feeds allow them to access all the information in the world, but instead, it is used for entertaining and shopping, “school is not so bad now, not like back when my grandparents were kids, when the schools were run by the government… back then, it was big boring, and all