
The Color Purple Dynamic Character Essay

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The Color Purple and Character Dynamics “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker, is a story of change, hope, love and hatred. The book displays an abundance of exemplifications of “dynamic characters”. A Dynamic Character is defined as a character who changes throughout the course of a story as a result of the conflicts they encounter on their journey. In this specific narrative, three of the main characters can fall under the category of a “dynamic character”. The changes in the character can be either mental or physical, and likewise can be minor or major changes. The usage of Dynamic Characters in chronicles is a more realistic take on the outside world, as we are always changing the way we feel on some matters of contention and the way we exist and embrace others as humans. The male in this narrative who purchased Celie, another important character, is named Albert. Albert is portrayed as being, violent, forceful and obnoxious at times. He can be classified as the main antagonist in this saga, even though some will say there isn’t one. Albert begins off as the cold-hearted man he was, and had no traces of …show more content…

Celie was sold to Albert at a young age, and was abused, a victim of domestic violence and ultimately oppressed. She is usually characterized as being kind-hearted, loving and sensitive. Overall, she was a polar opposite of her husband Albert, with whom had to live with for years on end. After a period of approximately fifteen years, Celie had enough of Albert. At a family gathering, she demanded that she was to bring her kids with herself, rather than leaving them with Albert. After Albert refused the offer, she held a knife to his throat and threatened his life to finally stand up for herself. This implication of character dynamics is again another opposite from her husband, but all in all, she finally was able to take up for herself and proceed to grant herself something she had

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