The Conquistadors: A Brief History Of Potatoes

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People in the United States have many ways to enjoy the simple potato. Fast food French fries are a staple for lunch for busy people, mashed potatoes for dinner and hash brown potatoes with eggs for breakfast are standard fare. The potato has an interesting history through many countries and over many years. Fast food restaurants have become what have been referred to as “a place to eat and get fat”.
The potato was grown first in the Andes Mountains where poor soil and fluctuating temperatures made for poor growing conditions. (Salaman 1985:3) Pre-Columbian farmers grew the potato about seven thousand years ago because of its nutritional value. The Inca cultivated potatoes about 3000 B.C. (Salaman 1985:3). They used the potatoes for many things other than food. The Incas used raw potato slices on broken bones, carried them to prevent rheumatism, ate them to prevent indigestion and the potato was used to measure time by how long it took them to grow (History). The Conquistadors were the first western men to eat the potato.
In the 1570s, the potato arrived in Europe from the Americas. At first the potato was used for the underclasses and used primarily to feed miners in silver mines (Smith …show more content…

The reasons were to avoid obesity and being attractive. Thirty-six percent of this age group ate out at least once a week (Lovin’ It:9-11). The study found the lower the socioeconomic status the more fats and sugars were eaten. The researchers found the upper-middle and upper class, “sosser”, felt as long as they had enough money to buy better food than fast food they ate foods other than fast foods (Lovin’ It:13). The potato is a staple for many fast foods. The potatoes are cooked in oil and salted, thus making the 163 calorie potato into 378 calories with a large amount of