Argumentative Essay: Gun Control And The Second Amendment

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Gun control and the second amendment
The second amendment has been apart of this country since the founding fathers but each year gun laws get stricter so my stance on the subject is that we should keep the laws the same.The main problem with these changes are the main options being flawed like the gun buyback.The fact that guns are not the main cause of homicide in the United States.And last that there are already organizations in place informing people the proper ways to legally get and own guns like the N.R.A .The main problems summarized are non effective resolutions,the fact that guns are not the leading cause of death in the US,and that there are already organizations in place making sure that the laws work.
The first point I made was that that what the other sides solutions are flawed and don 't work.For example In Australia after the largest mass shooting in Australian history in 1996 they made laws banning semi-automatic and self-loading rifles.They also did a mandatory gun buyback where 700,000 guns were surrendered.Did this help the overall homicides lower no it only let it go higher in …show more content…

In 2016 there were 1,490 deaths with knives alone there were five times the amount of murders done by knives than guns. The reality of it is that it 's much easier to get a knife then a gun because you don 't need to go through extensive background checks and go to mandatory seminars for gun safety. But they still say that guns are the main cause of murders. How many more people need to die to knifes or other dangerous weapons before they realize guns are not the problem. There are knives like switchblades and combat knives you can simply walk into a store and buy those are killing tools there not for hunting they were designed to kill humans and yet they still say that guns are the only killing