Humanization Of Evil: What Makes Us Human

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Evil exists within every one of us and is a foremost part of our lives therefore it cannot be eliminated but it can be controlled. Humanization is defined as the portrayal of human characteristics or attributes but these traits aren’t always the good kind. Humans also possess qualities like jealousy, lust, pride, hatred and greed; this is what makes us human. Which is why I believe there are no pure hearts, evil lingers within us all. Evil cannot be eliminated because the motives that bring about evil, such as ambition, honor and failure that brings about envy are needed to succeed in life; it’s a part of human nature. We all have built in ethics and morals but they are fragile to some extent therefore can be easily changed. Controlling evil can be done through showing people the need for nature and nurture, helping people to be less bias by making them understand ones intent, accepting differences and controlling our inner beasts.

Nurturing human beings and providing them with a safe environment to live in can have mind blowing effects on evil intentions. Babies are said to be the purest forms of humans. They are human beings before being contaminated with culture, social interactions, sex and romance. Karen Wynn is a Professor in the Psychology Department at Yale University. She studies the development of …show more content…

It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison”, a world without evil is a dream world, a fantasy and this is why evil cannot be eliminated but it can be controlled. By reducing the need to be evil and the motives behind being evil we can look forward to a less dreary future. If people are smart enough to invent airplanes, computers and mobile phones, they are smart enough to understand their own mistakes and their own responsibilities in life. Just like we were able to suppress slavery and gender discrimination, we will be able to reduce evil behavior and intentions if we